CCM Completes Submission for 2020-2022 Global Fund Uganda Proposal

The Uganda CCM successfully submits Uganda’s HIV/TB and Malaria grants for the Global Fund 2020-2022 allocation period.

Uganda also applied US Dollars $24.5 million for in Catalytic Matching Funds.

The Uganda CCM prepared Uganda’s Global Fund grant applications for the implementation period 2021-2023. Based on the Global Fund Board’s decision in November 2019 on the funding available for the 2020-2022 allocation period, Uganda was allocated US$ 579,001,931 for HIV, tuberculosis, malaria and building resilient and sustainable systems for health (RSSH) making Uganda the 5th highest recipient of Global Fund Support in the world. The allocation is broken down as follows;

Global Fund Uganda allocation for 2023

Uganda is eligible for additional catalytic matching funds beyond the allocation amount.

  • US$7,200,000 may be accessed for HIV Prevention programming in the following priority areas:
    • Adolescent Girls and Young Women in High Prevalence Settings
    • Condom Programming.
  • US$2,900,000 may be made available for Differentiated HIV Service Delivery (Self-Testing).
  • US$6,000,000 may be accessed for the Finding Missing People with TB priority area.
  • US$4,400,000 may be accessed for the Human Rights priority area.
  • US$3,000,000 may be made available for Improved Data Science in Community Health.

For this round of funding Uganda was invited to submit its applications for HIV, TB and malaria funding using the Tailored for National Strategic Plans funding request. To ensure that the funding requests are developed through inclusive and transparent country dialogue with a broad range of stakeholders including key and vulnerable populations, the Uganda CCM has conducted a number of activities including; consultation of key stakeholders on priorities to inform the strategic plan development and funding request process such as various CCM constituencies, Technical Working Groups (TWGs) of relevant ministries/coordinating entities, People living with/affected by the three diseases and grass root civil society; conducting structured harmonization meetings for aligning Global Fund Grants resources with other national/in-country resources and Financing Mechanisms; reviewing and updating of National Strategic Plans, Investment Case, Mid-Term Review documents and obtaining any other identified new information and data to inform priorities for the Country’s Grants Funding Requests/Applications. The Uganda CCM will be concluding and submitting the Country’s Grants Funding Requests/Applications by the end of March 2020.

The CCM appreciates the Global Fund, Government of Uganda, World Health Organization (WHO), the Private Sector, Uganda AIDS Commission, Embassy of Ireland, The Global Fund Secretariat & Country Team, the Local Fund Agent (LFA) – PriceWaterhouse Coopers (PwC), Members of the Civil Society, the Principal Recipients (PRs), Sub-Recipients (SRs) & Sub Sub Recipients (SSRs) of the Global Fund grants, RBM Partnership to End Malaria, the CCM Secretariat and other Development Partners including US Government and UN Agencies for the partnership and support provided throughout the years.

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