Uganda successfully awarded HIV/TB and Malaria grants for the 2020-2022 allocation period by the Global Fund


The Global Fund is a significant donor to the HIV, Tuberculosis and Malaria response in Uganda. The Global Fund has been investing in the three disease programmes (TB, HIV and Malaria) since 2002.

The Uganda CCM coordinated Uganda’s Global Fund grant applications for the implementation period 2021-2023.The Global Fund board has approved US $ 602,501,930 towards response to the three diseases of including HIV, Tuberculosis and Malaria.

The Global Fund approved additional US $ 34,565,047 towards response to the COVID 19 Pandemic in Uganda. The additional grant is intended to maintain the gains made in control of the three diseases of HIV, TB and malaria and to mitigate the impact of COVID-19 on the three diseases. The funds approved by the Global Fund under the COVID-19 Response Mechanism are to be incorporated into the current HIV Grant managed by the Public Sector Principal Recipient of Global Fund Grants – the Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development (MoFPED).

The approved grants will be implemented under two Principal Recipients; the Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development (MoFPED) on behalf of the public sector and The AIDS Support Organization (TASO) for the civil society. The breakdown and management of the 2021-2023 grants is as follows;

HIV MOFPED 277,341,323
TB/HIV TASO 32,912,064
TB MOFPED 29,223,593
Total Uganda TB/HIV grants   339,476,980
Malaria grant MOFPED MOFPED 230,825,564
Malaria Grant TASO TASO 32,199,386
Total Uganda Malaria grants   263,024,950
Grant Portfolio (2021-2023)- TB/HIV & Malaria   602,501,930
COVID 19 Grants MOFPED 34,565,047
Total Grant portfolio Signed   637,066,977

The CCM appreciates the Global Fund, Government of Uganda, World Health Organization (WHO), the Private sector, Uganda AIDS Commission, Embassy of Ireland, The Global Fund Secretariat & Country Team, the Local Fund Agent (LFA) – PriceWaterhouse Coopers (PwC), Members of the Civil Society, the Principal Recipients (PRs), Sub-Recipients (SRs) of the Global Fund grants, RBM Partnership to End Malaria, the CCM Secretariat and other Development Partners including US Government and UN Agencies for the partnership and support provided throughout the years and particularly supporting the grants funding application process.

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